thx guys!
hope u enjoy all those homemade food.
i know 'sumone' did.
for those who couldnt make it, nvm la.
for those who came, thank you!
that was a joy, though ad budak tu agak rude la jgk.
theres more pictures, but malas la nk upload.
i'll upload somewhere else, facebook or myspace.
but most prob myspace.
for those who's been trying to guess who my boyfriend is, give up je la.
i dont have one.
p/s: hand me ur usb if u want the pix;)
1 comment:
wahh nabila still cute mcm dulu an :)
beshh nye. sorry i couldnt make it tiya :(
hm byk jugak la fimiliar faces. tp bdk2 3a2 tk ramai pun. omg i miss evryone
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