whoa..last night was fun;)
we went to watch 2012. at first xnk tgk coz not my type of movie, but then sacha nk sgt tgk, tgk je la.
call big k, xangkat. second time call baru angkat. bla bla bla we agreed to meet at my house. then tunggu sacha dtg plak. with the rain and peak hour, we didnt think we'll make it time. but sacha to the rescue, we arrived on time. yeayy!
dh duduk n everything, tgk la screen. i thought movie dh start. it was this one chinese movie like martial art sket. then i got confused. macam salah movie je...
then tadaaa!
its a good movie. i didnt think i would like it but i did;)
next movie i'll let sacha pick la.
so then we went round and round. bought subway. oh yea, if anyone knows where to buy scrapbook, do tell. im searching for one right now.
then kakak plak nk makan. n of coz BIG K ikut je *sheepish grin*
went to mamak sumwhere around there. the roti tisu there not bad but im still yearning for the one i ate last night. dh makan tu we went back to putrajaya. but before that stop kt mamak p9 for roti tisu. tgk2 org same yg serve smalam...
tu je la.
too tired to even blink.
bye2 now.
oh yea,
thank u sacha for belanja-ing me the movie;D