thought of the day:

the memoirs of 17 and still counting

Friday, August 14, 2009

cerita 4 sekawan

every friday evening, i spend my time at my neighbour's house.
ya know, mengaji.
kebetulan uztzah ajar kids as well.
so every friday evening, i would spend my evening with kids yang memang agak nakal.

last friday we i went and saw the usual kids yg mengaji.
ad la sekumpulan adk beradik ni yang mmg ...
ya allah...aku xtau la nk ckp ape.
they're all boys.
the youngest one, i think darjah satu bagi la satu teka-teki yang memang padan diberitahu semase mengaji.
dye tanye la sorang bdk prmpuan ni.
boy: ko nk dengar teka-teki tak?
girl: ape dye?
boy: *dgn selambenye* burung ape yg xleh terbang?
me: *thinking wat kind of bird xleh terbang*
girl: *sambil mempointing* alaa, burung ko tu la.
boy: btol!
me: *wat the tut tuutt???*

my goodness, kids now a days...

the siblings ni mmg i think well known kt area ni for being so the la naughty tahap gigabytes.
the first day i went to mengaji was pretty funny.
being boys and all, of course they're a bunch of fruitcakes.
the naughtiest one is the 3rd named.
wait, let see if i can name them all.
1st: Aiman
2nd: *not sure*
3rd: Aidil
4th: Airil

anyway, Aidil ni mmg naughty gle la.
one day he was playing around so uztzah marah and asked him to focus.
uztzh: ish aidil ni, bace btol2. tgk dgn mata. mana mata?
obviously uztzh tgh panas and she didnt mean literally.
then yg kecik skali, Airil pon dgn innocent nye menjawab
airil: *sambil menunjuk mata aidil* ni ha uztzah

at one time plak,
si Airil tu stucked his pencil up his nose and went to the girls and said
Airil: weyh, cbe cari pencil aku kt mne.
