ah, look at that, so tiny. so cute.so-
oi, snap out of it. exam la.
nmpak paper kt dpn ko tu?
ble nk jwab? kosong lagi tau x...
ish, nk jwb la ni...
ok, hmm...specific latent heat.
heh, cant be that hard...=)
ish..susaah laa!
ape bnde ni???
nnt la aku jawab. skip dlu.
hmm..ptg ni nk buat ape ek?
tdo dlu, mlm bru study.
yup, sounds like a good plan.
oi, sape nk jwab paper physic ko tu hah?
adeh...susah la..
dah la xstudy form 4.
yg aku study bkan nk masuk...
ok tyah, focus!
you can do this.
c'mon la, you understand this better than u understand chemistry.
now put more effort into it!
ok,ok..no need to get all cheery on me.
sheesh...k, back to the questions.
yeeeaaa i know this one!
ok, no of coil. eh jap, size of current..
eh, which one hah?
alaamak. cikgu kte ape ha hri tu time peka?
i wonder how he is.
oh, what is he doing now?
if only he was here to help me.
oohh tut tut tuuuuttt
hmm..what did he say hari tu?
oh yea..hehe, so sweet of him.
i wonder if he fe-
oi, ko xyah nk angn2.
paper xsiap jwb ad hati nk angan2 psl si dia.
dh, jawab la cepat.
tinggal 45 min je lgi.
ye la, ye la, aku nk jwb la ni.
xreti sabar btol...
ish, laparnye..
eh, mne plk btol aku ni?
alaa, lupe..puasa laa..
k, cepat jwb.
ish, ape ckgu ni...have pity on us please!
habis la kne marah lps ni...
klas dh bminggu2 xmsk.
bku dh b'habuk
otak dh kosong.
yg ad mimpi & angan2 je.
sedar xsedar, cikgu kutip kertas...
dear teacher, im sorry!
my answers semua merepek belaka.
lukisan exagerate skeettt je.
soalan objektif main tembak semua.
ish, ni lapar pnye pasal la ni.
please help me quit daydreaming!!!