thought of the day:

the memoirs of 17 and still counting

Friday, May 22, 2009

speak up!

is a place where you spend most of your time, whether with your friends or teachers.
whoever la.
asalkan ada orang,right?
it is a place of knowledge.
ya know, broaden your mind and stuff...
(harry potter=D)
in the early days of our life,
we were sent to nursery, pre-school, tadika, and all that.
hmm..i haven't figured that out yet.
but i guess it is to train us.
ya know, like the saying 'melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya'
honestly, all i remember was taking loads of naps, and...yea, naps je la yang i remember.
and the naps do come in handy nowadays.
then we were sent to primary school.
this is where our talent is recognised. well, sooner or later around that age.
though we didnt realise it back then, somewhere in the back of our head, we kinda get the idea of what we wanted to be, WHO we wanted to be.
even if you dont see it at this stage, someone is bound to notice.
for example; teachers or parents.
honestly, at this stage, i didnt know what i wanted to be.
maybe coz i haven't seen the world
or i wasnt paying attention, you knw, being a kid and all.
and that was why my parents allow me to go to summer university.
then, baru i get the idea of who i wanted to be.
but then, you know how parents are, they always wants the best for you.
i guess what i chose wasnt best enough...=(
anyway, now we step into the world of teenagers; secondary school.
to me, this is the best and most important years of our life.
mine, at least.
this is where not only our talent and potential is recognised clearly, it is also the best time to develop it.
this is where and when we learn about ourselves.
we develop ourselves at this stage.
we mould into a character; us.
here is were school plays an important role.
as it is the school, there is bound to be activities, thus, oppotunities, right?
students get to show what they have; potential, talent, qualities.
school, on the other hand, is suppose to support the students.
not slander them down.
because school is where the students spend most of their time in.
it is our 2nd home.
teachers are our 2nd parents.
they not only teach us, but love and care for us.
like parent, right?
so, shoudn't teachers support us by all means?
im not gonna talk about other teachers, they're great.
but this is dedicated to this one and only teacher.
the administrator.
THE administrator.
you should be proud of us; your students.
you shouldn't slander us down, make us feel like crap.
be proud of us for godness sake!
we compete, we sacrificed our time in class, we crack our brains, god knows what we have to do to get this far.
and yet, you're still not satisfied, not proud of us, not thanking us for our efforts.
dudette, open your eyes...
respect us as students, and we in return will respect you as a pengetua.
students have the rights to be heard.
the saying 'children are to be seen, not heard' no longer exist.
end of story.