thought of the day:

the memoirs of 17 and still counting

Friday, July 31, 2009

friday oh friday

since we got home last night, laundry xsempat nk buat
so the girls said pakai kain biru today.
so pg td gosok la.
oh yea, last night sammy said she's still feeling sick so she's not coming to skool.
hani mmg xdtg.
dh semangat pkai kain biru nk g skolah, tibe2...
njwa said she wont be going to skool coz xsihat.
but i managed. among the debaters it was just me and chip je yg datang.
*im changing to from adam to chip now*

today ok la.
i was shocked you know.
topek is suspected H1N1.
wat triggers me is mcm mne blh kne???

it was a slow day.
after recess we had addmath and chemistry.
pn radziah xdtg cox yesterday she felt dizzy tibe2.
im worried...dh la she's pregnant.

mse chemistry chip came in our class.
he didnt look so well.
mualim ni pon satu, hisy...
*eyes rolling*

blk debate semua xsihat.
hani is suspected H1N1.
sammy hasnt been feeling well before debate and after debate.
najwa xsihat this morning.
adam pon nmpk xsihat and a bit troubled.
i feel fine.
but i am worried.
i was sandwiched between hani and sammy for 4 days in kedah.
oh yea, adam squared,(chip's roommate whom i call adam squared coz ad 2 org adam in the room) is suspected H1N1 too. he hung around with us in our room. now im really worried.
maybe i'll go check nnt if my cough gets worse.

this morning i hugged everyone and coughed at them.
dont be mad, i was just spreading some love=)
i hugged and coughed at everyone.ngehehehe.
even at nadhirah when she was reading a book kt canteen.
hey, you wanna shoot me, shoot la!
i already spreaded the germs.mwahahahah!
next week im gonna start with form 3 classes;)

now, where was i?
oh yea, today went to play bowling with the guys.
me, alyn, ali, iman, adam, faiz and later joined by mualim.
i suck at bowling!!!
but the guys taught me a few stuff and ali taught me a trick.
thnk dude!
awal2 tu asyk msk longkang je.
haih...tension je.
faiz called me the 'queen of bowling'
siap kau faiz.
but towards the end baru ok.
faiz had to belanja everyone coz he won.
then my son, iman, drove us all home.
son, dont tell ur dad wat i did when he wasnt around,k.
and the things said in the car shall remain in the car.
hahaha wat things???

so then he sent me home.
i saw my dad going to the surau and i wondered who's gonna send me to tusyen.
then son to the rescue, iman took me to tusyen n back home.
thx son!
and ali of coz=)
ali was coughing so badly now i've started coughing worse.
take good care of urself.

so akhir kata:
guys,take care of yourselves.
hani, rest. dont do anything that might harm ur health, k.
sammy, u too! rest!!! its been days already. take good care of ur health. and eat carrots!!!
najwa, xkn semalaman xdpt tdo ngan blazer dh demam? la, i'll give it back on monday. if im nice enough=P
adam, dont be too stressed out. take a deep breath from time to time. rest secukupnya and see the doctor if it gets worse,k.
ali, i think you should really rest. drink a lot of water and if it gets worse, see the doctor.
iman, my son, ur still healthy. haha, like me!

yg sihat tu, keep it up.
to those whom i hugged and 'accidently' coughed at today, go see the doctor.
this is no joke.
GO GO GO !!!