aaah, finally blh online.
today was quite a tiring day.
we celebrated TEACHERS' DAY!
this morning, teddy gave me a basket wit cakes in it kt tpak phimpunan.
it was so empty so i had to do sumthing bout it.
thnk god smpat beli kertas organza ysterday.
last minute la kan...
we were in a rush so pls excuse me for d decoration.
this was d best i could do in 5 mins.
at first plan nk ltak gmbar klas, but since there's 'too many' of us, i decided to go with doing sumthing like a collage.
d whole class agreed, but it was only me n alyn yg buat.
we did this ysterday, beli n print pon ysterday.
i love the expression on pn radziah's face when we gave her the frame.
it was priceless!
she loved it. n she even hugged it.
man, i would do anything to see that face again.
hehe, i already have something up my sleeve.
then moving on to games.
teachers tahun ni are more sporting men game than last year.
this year, smpai tolak2.
hahaha, teachers..
hahaha, pn rasenah vs cikgu practical.
oh oh, guess who won?
ckgu practical!
last skali, we went to pn radziah's room to wish her.
plan nk sruh all 5 ibnu hayyans
but phm2 je la kan, 'ramai sgt'.
heres a picture of us girls.
but ain's missing...
oh yea, another thing dat made my day was i got to 'serve the dish'
mwahahah revenge is swee-eet!
i didnt plan anything, but the oppotunities came.
twice plk tu.
hahah, when the oppotunities come knocking on ur door, u shud just grab it.
and dats wat i did.
i mean, would you let it pass by just like that???
ahh, i forgot to write bout the performance, thnx for the heads up azrin=)
so yea,td band skolah performed.
first song i dont reli recognise.
2nd song bru familiar; situasi by bunkface.
the band was awesome,
but rahim...well, keep rocking, dude.
and wahai azrin, npe la dok jauh sgt?
it looked like band tu pecah.
hope there's another performance by them soon.
and if there is, be sure to inform me.
dont wanna miss it.
well, congratz and good job guys!
hfz came to teach me n alyn math today.
as usual, he was expecting food.
*sigh* boys...
and u knw, mmg coincedence btol.
we were all wearing green.
me, hfz, frd,ena, niyah, umi and guess wat, even my dad.
hah, welcome to the family, buddy.
hfz came to teach me n alyn math today.
as usual, he was expecting food.
*sigh* boys...
and u knw, mmg coincedence btol.
we were all wearing green.
me, hfz, frd,ena, niyah, umi and guess wat, even my dad.
hah, welcome to the family, buddy.