thought of the day:

the memoirs of 17 and still counting

Saturday, November 21, 2009


just now we had est. it was ok, i guess. information transfer makes sense, but the report...urgh. FRICTION. damn u..

then dah kluar exam hall tu, i saw parents with students. got a bit confused so i asked wally. he said its report card day. hmm..interesting.

while waiting for my dad, me,wally and sammy's mum chatted a bit. got in the car and as usual, ayah started to be a detective.

A: how was est? ok? boleh jawab? boleh dpt A?
T: was ok. but cant guarantee an A though.
A: hmmm..
T: did u knw today is report card day?
A: huh?
T: yea...i saw parents with students kt dlm.
A: niyah xkte ape2 pon.
T: aahh... interesting.
A: untuk form brape?
T: i think all la..coz when i was sitting for exam, i saw this form 2 dude with his dad.
A: xpe, nnt suruh umi amk.

then smpai rumah.

A: mi, u have to take niyah's report card.
A: ad report card day hari ni. niyah xbg ape2 ke?
U: xbg tau ape2 pon. ni mesti result teruk ni.
A: ntah la. u tgk la nnt. jumpe cikgu dye.
U: mmg nk kne rotan budak ni...

hehehe, i love busting her:P

then we went to school. i had to follow my mum coz she didnt know where. sampai je there was no teacher in class except a few students.

U: mne cikgu? *she asked the twins*
K1: dh balik dah...habis pkl 11 td.
N: UMI! *shocked*
U: ohhh xbg tau yeh.
N: *sengih*
T: ish3 niyah...
U: mne cikgu?
N: dh blk dh.
U: mne bilik guru? umi nk jmpe.
T: this way, madame.

hahahah im loving it:P

dh smpai tu we asked her to look if her teacher's in there. tgk2, mmg ad. heh..dh balik konon..

*dlm bilik guru*

U: sorry lambat datang.
C: xpe.
U: ni ha. dye xbg tau pon hari ni ad report card day.
C: tu yg saya pelik. selalu nya mak aniyah datang klau ad ape2 event.
U,C,T: *look at niyah*

bla bla bla pastu nk blk tu cikgu ckp:

C: saya dah pesan dah kat budak2 kalau ad parents datang, bwk jumpa kt bilik guru.

umi gave niyah the glare and said: oohh,xbgtau pon kan. nsb baik xblk td.

blk tu xbersua muka langsung.
i knw,i knw. u think im mean kan.
its ok, i know that already. but i would call it mischievous.

hahaha she thinks she can get away with it.