plan nk beli big apple je and shop for my bday present=)
i knw,i knw, dh lme lepas, but so wat?
walked here and there but nothing interest me.
see, i told you its hard shopping wit me=p
u gotta at least gimme 2 days to shop, then i can make my mind up.
while waiting for the day to cool down
we went to watch a movie.
oh yea, if you guys xtgk THE PROPOSAL lagi, go tgk!
GO GO GO !!!
its good, i swear!
the movie started at 4.50 and ended at 6.40
it was so worth it!!!
dh habis tu g la byar tiket.
the line was so long so we had to wait.
lme sgt we went to kluarkn duit dlu.
more like dye yg kluarkn duit=p
tgh kluarkn duit tu, tibe2 my phone ringed.
tyah: Hi tcher.
mrs. E: hi tyah. hey, where r u?
tyah: in alamanda...y?
mrs. E: i thought so. i saw you just now.
tyah: hah? reli? *looking around suspiciously*
mrs. E: yea, i was in front of you mse nk bayar tiket td.
tyah: *speechless*
mrs E: who was that tall guy?
tyah: *buat2 xtau* which one?
mrs. E: the one with you td.
tyah: friend.
mrs. E: uh-huh...*sounding skeptical*
tyah: yea...*awkward dh*
mrs. E: owh, ok, that's all i wanted to say. enjoy your day. BYE!
mrs. E: k tcer, bye!
i hung up and looked around.
mne la tau ad plak mata yg memandang...
then we went to FLORIA!
any of you guys dh pg??
today saje je nk g coz nk tgk hasil kerja fatin.
we went around and around but xnmpak pon...
but everything was beautiful.
the one by sime darby was so nice!
it kinda reminded me to opah's house.
hmm..lme xblk sane..
then we went to the big white khemah and walked around.
i like the one yang ad umbrellas hanging on branches.
its interesting.rupe2nye ad bell kt each payung tu.
ingt nk goyangkan umbrella tu, u knw,nk bunyikan bell.
tp al-maklumlah...xcukup tinggi.
hmm..i seem to have a thing for bells...
then we went back to the car.
masuk je he was looking around and said: where are you?
assuming it was me, i said la: dude im here. sebegini besar pon xnmpak?
then he looked at me.
so i looked back la.
after a while he said: i was talking bout the big apple la, not you.
me: T_T
oh yea, mrs. E is PN Emelda=)
hahaha yea, im gonna have a hard time explaining things to her after this.
and thx dude for taking me out.
i needed time to wind down td.
u knw, frust xdpt PLKN...
watching movie and going to floria really really helped!
thx yea!
now when i come to think of it,
ur always around when my mind is disturbed.
and ur always around to help me cool down and forget all my problems.
and whenever we gaduh ur always the one yg kne mengalah.
yes i know, im a pain in d ass.
but somehow you can still bear with me.
thnk u.
until then,
tooddles yawl.
girl stuck in the jungle
boy imagining himself in hawaii
p/s:i know wat ur thinking.
no,this guy is not my boyfriend.
ohh rily? hmm
tah sape2 la ko tgkp gmbr nie...
ko nie plek2 arr...
yep, really.
you just dont get it...
yeay :)
finally wat?
adui, x nmpk eh hasil keje kte? -sigh-
finally dpt tgk die :)
hi h****
we went round n round tp xjumpe pon.
nvm la, u can always do it again and show me=p
nice pictures(:
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