thought of the day:

the memoirs of 17 and still counting

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the continuous of the 2nd day in kedah

hello again!
currently, i am sitting on a chair
watching everyone doing something.

lets see...
hani feels depressed.
adam has just confirmed himself as a bisexual.
sammy is sitting infront of me looking tired and i think she is looking for a place to crash.
najwa is on the bed, watching transformers.
our neighbours from melaka came and join us.
grace, iman, and another one im not sure of are watching tranformers.
looking at them, they are so focused.
oh yea, adam's roommate, whose name is also adam is also here.
tcer jaja was here before but dh kluar.
so before it used to be 10 of us in one room, but now there's 9 of us.

oh yea, im here blogging as usual.
watching everyone...

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