clearly stated above,
smk p11(1) had our english week followed by english camp.
we started the week with launching of english week.
my class had to do this one sketch.
see,us up there^^
its about 3 friends went to travel around the world to learn about other culture.they then stop to a few countries and some miscomunication happened. they went to countries that hardly speak english; arab,italy,france,japan. long story short, message of the sketch is people around the world try to speak english,why can't you? do your part,speak english for the rest of the week.
then we had a lot of activities during the week. banyak la. they showed twilight ptg tu but i couldnt join coz extra class. hey,hey, have you guys watched new moon's trailer? capital OMG! *sigh*jacob...
neway,back to the topic.
one of the activities was battle of the top scorers. i had a feeling im gonna be chosen so i asked teacher syarifah but she said ask pn sufina and i did. so there i go,looking for her,up down,everywhere la. sadly xjmpe so back to class. teacher asked bg name sape. i said topek. wat,he was getting on my nerve. ske ati je cmpak nme org for oral. he was..hmm..lets just say he wasnt happy bout it. ugut bk bom rumah la and stuff. oi,dats wat u get when u piss me off. peace^^
the next day tu mmg for sure,my name was called. haha,lega ye kau topek. and someone leaked some info. dye kate topek takut gle smpai study mcm nk exam. huahuahua! dude,next time dont piss me off.
k,back to there story.
english camp started from 8am to 10pm on saturday. yes, i just got back n trus blog.
we played a lot of games. charade was fun. we got 4/5. not too shabby kan. then skip other games, we played Amazing Race. it was jolly fun.the aim is to find a treasure box with the help of clues. i have never run that sungguh2 in my whole life.haha yep,i dont run. it was jolly fun except when we got to 5th station. clue:"ni cai na li?" from china with love.
i was like..wat in the world?? ad ke tcer marniza gelak when i said that.
the teachers kept repeating "atiyah,ni cai na li!!!"
still,x phm phm jgk. aduii..
"atiyah,you should know this! you out of all the students!"
the teachers had fun torturing me. ni cai na li...
how the hell am i suppose to know???
so i think i stood there for 20 mins or so trying to figure things out. n yea,teachers were still laughing at me the whole time.rse cm nk nanges je.=(
then finally, hani pulled me and told me the answer.
god i cant believe it! how dumb could i possibly get???
its great wall of china la mangkuk!! ayya..
dh la great wall of china kt lobby tu i buat. still xphm2. keling ape?
so then we went to hall coz i finally,yes ppl,FINALLY guessed wat d heck ni cai na li is.
then the english teachers came and laughed when they saw me. news spread among the other english teachers so quick. aaii...malu nye.
ms jaja came and told me since i took a long time to guessed the answer,no secret recipe for me.
i was like wat??? no way!
so yea,that was wat the drama anak and mak tiri was all about kt dewan td.
i had to do wat i had to do=D
neway, dh petang tu we had to present a song for camp fire night.
at first blur je but hani gave us a song and things just fell into pieces there.
at camp fire time each group presented their song. so here is our song, from Orange Survivors,esp NUR ATIYAH NAJIHAH to all the teachers who made it oh so easy with the ni cai na li. enjoy:
(song:we will rock you)
buddy old boy and his friends went to english camp
trying to find a big treasure some day
he got mud on his face
a big disgrace
kicking the can all over the place
we will, we will find it!
(but we didn't, but we didn't)
we will, we will find it!
(but we didn't, but we didn't)
so we continued our journey
with the help of friends and teachers all the way
we got kicked along the way
with grime on our face
crying out,"teacher,what's cai na li???"
we will, we will find it!
(but we didn't, but we didn't)
we will, we will find it!
(but we didn't, no we didn't)
special thanks to group Orange Survivors for making it easy for me to be myself.
thanks for ur cooperation on listening to me babbling and your patientcy with me through out the day. thank you for letting me use my own words on the lyrics and dedicating the song to our dear dear teachers who had a fun time torturing me with ni cai na li. thanks guys,u guys rawk!
team members: atiyah, hani, fahmeeda, nani, elisa and our one and only guy,shafiq.
and give a round of applause to shafiq for staying with us the whole time!
ok,im tired.
nitey nite=)
ps:i have another thing to post but 2mrw je la.
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