today is teachers' day.
since its on saturday, we're gonna celebrate next monday.
but im not gonna write anything about that.
i'll write bout it on monday.=)
wat i wanted to write about is d picture above ^
i think this is d only cartoon or anime (watever u guys call it) i am reli interested in.
my goodness i thnk im in love wit this thingy.
it looks like a simple cartoon/anime, but the moral values in it are so amazing
you should try watching it.
its so AMAZING.
and this comes from a person who hardly watch any cartoon/anime.
the story:
its something about overcoming the evil in the world but not through violence.
seriously, this cartoon/anime really opened my eyes.
all the things that has happened to me in my life finally made sense when i watched it.
it kinda explained everything.
isnt it weird that a cartoon can contain so much and make so much sense?
hmm...i should watch more of these..
why all of a sudden i watch cartoon/anime?
my sis bru blk dr uitm jengka.
so now everyone's home!
aahh, sweet.
just now also my fren called.
he thought of asking me to join him go to seremban to see 'ehem ehem'
hehe, xpe la.
i mean, i really dont want to menyebok.
im pretty sure she's dying to see you, not me.
so, all the best for tomorrow.
and have fun.
and stop d curious feeling.
and just be yourself.
and call her mom auntie, not makcik.
bakal mak mtua tuu
oh, and another thing, i found out forum dpt no brape.
hisy, korang ni nk nyorok plk.
its better if you guys tell me coz if you dont, im gonna use every way possible to find out
like wat most ppl say bout me; i always do the opposite of wat ppl tell me to do.
hey, not my fault. i was born this way.
ask my parents n sisters. they would know.
everyone askd min and aufa but they refused to tell us.
because i was so curious, i kinda tricked one of d peserta forum into telling me.
sorry, i cant help myself.
of coz im not gonna tell wat no u got here, so my lips are sealed.
i guess the others will just have to wait till they're ready to tell.
oh yea, today ad org ajak g SAS utk hari karnival or something.
honestly speaking, there's no reason for me to be there so i didnt go.
sorry druggie, i've had enough.
pls close the door on your way out.thank you.
nothing more to say so
im outta here.
p/s: mommyyy take me to living cabin laaa...
*sob sob*
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