well, since i am no longer 17, this 17 and still counting blog no longer requires my need and presence of crappiness.
thus, i'll be blogging in the other blog,
here's the link
follow me if u miss me :p
Friday, January 1, 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
goodbye 2009
wow. its the end of the year now. a few hours and it'll be the end of 2009.
last year i was so excited to move on from 2008 to 2009. but this year i couldn't bear moving on. 2009 has been the most meaningful year for me so far. i learned so many lessons for all my actions. i took responsibilities for my actions. i've grown. and i dont mean physically. ok, physically pon ad, but mostly i've grown mentally. lets see...i couldn't remember all the moments of 2009, but the memories of the bold ones are still fresh in my mind:)
the early months of 2009 are more like rehabilitation for me. but i will write non of that. it's just too heart breaking to learn and accept who i am.
let's see, this year i didn't get out much. but one of the moment i remember was hari minda usahawan. it was a joy. we sorta bonded better. i got to know the guys better and learned how to deal with their stubbornness and mischievousness. though i must admit, i think topek and i will always be the same towards each other. the gaduh team. oh well, it's all in the past now.
being in 5IBH really was a mess. imagine going in one class after the other kne marah. sucks, doesn't it...from fizik to lk, lk to bm. nightmare tu...lg lg ble xsiap homework kan..and then being late lagi...woah..! but i valued the moments. there are a few things i regretted during my time in 5IBH, but i wouldn't change it for the world:)

*gonna miss the dudes*
im gonna miss the lab classes T_T
physics and chemistry...the exams in class. the note passing and so called 'codes'.

then there were the fire drill. i remember it so well. it was BM class with cikgu zaidi. we read the drama 'jangan bunuh rama2' *i think*. then the bell rang to bail us out.

and then i had public speaking competition. before that, thank you adam for passing me the opportunity. i know i always blame you on it, but know i am so glad and relieved you gave me the opportunity. without it, i wouldn't be able to speak in public and speak up. thank you tcer jaja. for coaching me and believing in me:)
you helped me come out of my cocoon and spread my wings. thank you hani for believing in me, and for having faith in me when i needed it most. thank you for being there, in my dark moments. you pulled me out and pushed me to do it. thx sammy and alyn. omg, im getting teary now...

and not to be forgotten, of course, debate:)
adam, hani, sammy, najwa and i went through hard times together, but we managed to pull through. we spent many sleepless nights together. we bonded well and we sure do make a good team. sadly i have no pictures of interschool debate. that was a joy. i still remember when puan marniza announced the result:)
then we proceeded to debate national '09. we learned many things about each other. well, that's wat you get when you share beds together, kan:)
the journey there and back was fabulous. the after losing moments were even better. but one thing that wasn't fun at all was being locked outside of the room for hours. hani, the ass-kicking fight ain't over yet, baby!!!

spending a minute with tcer jaja without gossiping memang xsah, kan:)
being the only guy, adam was gossiped with the girl. now, now, hold ur horse ,this is just reminiscing. somehow i was involved in it as well. that was where the A.S.A.M was first created. haha:p and weird enough, it actually expended! i am now a grandmother with 2 kids and god knows how many gandchildren and am still having an affair. rock on!
wat else?
oh yeah, FLORIA. i think i went there with hafiz after public speaking comp.i was so bummed out and he took me out to a movie and then floria. i think.
dude, i almost forgot about english week!
it was awesome:) though i did get tortured mindlessly by the teachers..

oh yeah, hfz's bbq. i went there with ilyas. otw tu ad la this one little incident. the kereta melayang incident. haha:p relax, big k, jgn marah2, nnt cepat tua.

and then of course, there were the english drama.

*rombongan cik kiah diketuai oleh topek*
and then there were open houses. the first one was for family only.

the 2nd one was for friends.

of course, raya come and go. this year's raya wasn't the best. but then again, my raya doesn't mean anything anymore for the past 6 or 8 years. so, let's skip that part...but guys, i love you. i really do. dont take it personally, ok:)
and graduation. now, that doesn't come often, kan.

then, of course, were the near spm moments where we should be studying, but instead, we did some recreational activities:)

and thennn, were his last few days. which means my last few days til spm.

*muka gangster besar:P*
and theennnn were his last day. no, he's not dying..

i guess that's pretty much of 2009. a lot went on, but it went deeper than what i just wrote.
my pre-spm plans and activities; work:)
i have now worked in BR alamanda for nearly 2 weeks, and i am loving every moment of it. BR dudes are all friendly. they're so friendly, they made you feel like you're a family there.

this one is made by wan, and i guess this is the rank:)
there's ten of us. but today is apek bo and paang's last day. don't go...:(
apek bo has been my punchbag buddy and sorta like a brother.we bully each other endlessly and never got tired of it. pa'ang plak is kinda like an adik. well, he's 15, wat do u aspect, kan:) 2 days ago, i had the morning shift with paang and brotha. paang wanted to smoke kjap and i trapped him, xkasi keluar merokok. he was begging so mcm kesian je...i let him go.
the next day, paang xdtg. merajuk la tu. haha:p
and of course, through out 2009 i have made new friends and acquaintance. buddies, mates and fellas. i have gotten close and know them better. i got close to people whom i didn't aspect to. i finally talked to people who has been in the same school for the past years. they have made it a joy to be alive. they made me realise how lucky i am to be living here and be surrounded by the loved ones. thnx:)
to name a few: hani, sammy, alyn, iman, ali, izzul, zul, afiq, hafiz, hazim, mira, shikin and dot dot dot.
well, that'll be the end of it. 2010 is approaching in a few hours from now.
final words:
yes, i knw i have been a pain in the ass.
i know i have pulled a few pranks along the way,
i know i have been stubborn and mischivious,
but i swear...i couldn't help it:p
i'll try, TRY to be less mischievious.
but can't promise la:D
ok, serious sket.
im sorry...
im sorry i was too cold towards you
im sorry i was too mean and rude
im sorry i was too impatient
im sorry i was too demanding and bossy
anyhows, lets start a new series, shall we?
you,me and 2010:)
not really looking forward to it, but full speed ahead!
last year i was so excited to move on from 2008 to 2009. but this year i couldn't bear moving on. 2009 has been the most meaningful year for me so far. i learned so many lessons for all my actions. i took responsibilities for my actions. i've grown. and i dont mean physically. ok, physically pon ad, but mostly i've grown mentally. lets see...i couldn't remember all the moments of 2009, but the memories of the bold ones are still fresh in my mind:)
the early months of 2009 are more like rehabilitation for me. but i will write non of that. it's just too heart breaking to learn and accept who i am.
let's see, this year i didn't get out much. but one of the moment i remember was hari minda usahawan. it was a joy. we sorta bonded better. i got to know the guys better and learned how to deal with their stubbornness and mischievousness. though i must admit, i think topek and i will always be the same towards each other. the gaduh team. oh well, it's all in the past now.
being in 5IBH really was a mess. imagine going in one class after the other kne marah. sucks, doesn't it...from fizik to lk, lk to bm. nightmare tu...lg lg ble xsiap homework kan..and then being late lagi...woah..! but i valued the moments. there are a few things i regretted during my time in 5IBH, but i wouldn't change it for the world:)

*gonna miss the dudes*
im gonna miss the lab classes T_T
physics and chemistry...the exams in class. the note passing and so called 'codes'.

then there were the fire drill. i remember it so well. it was BM class with cikgu zaidi. we read the drama 'jangan bunuh rama2' *i think*. then the bell rang to bail us out.
and then i had public speaking competition. before that, thank you adam for passing me the opportunity. i know i always blame you on it, but know i am so glad and relieved you gave me the opportunity. without it, i wouldn't be able to speak in public and speak up. thank you tcer jaja. for coaching me and believing in me:)
you helped me come out of my cocoon and spread my wings. thank you hani for believing in me, and for having faith in me when i needed it most. thank you for being there, in my dark moments. you pulled me out and pushed me to do it. thx sammy and alyn. omg, im getting teary now...

and not to be forgotten, of course, debate:)
adam, hani, sammy, najwa and i went through hard times together, but we managed to pull through. we spent many sleepless nights together. we bonded well and we sure do make a good team. sadly i have no pictures of interschool debate. that was a joy. i still remember when puan marniza announced the result:)
then we proceeded to debate national '09. we learned many things about each other. well, that's wat you get when you share beds together, kan:)
the journey there and back was fabulous. the after losing moments were even better. but one thing that wasn't fun at all was being locked outside of the room for hours. hani, the ass-kicking fight ain't over yet, baby!!!

spending a minute with tcer jaja without gossiping memang xsah, kan:)
being the only guy, adam was gossiped with the girl. now, now, hold ur horse ,this is just reminiscing. somehow i was involved in it as well. that was where the A.S.A.M was first created. haha:p and weird enough, it actually expended! i am now a grandmother with 2 kids and god knows how many gandchildren and am still having an affair. rock on!
wat else?
oh yeah, FLORIA. i think i went there with hafiz after public speaking comp.i was so bummed out and he took me out to a movie and then floria. i think.
dude, i almost forgot about english week!
it was awesome:) though i did get tortured mindlessly by the teachers..
oh yeah, hfz's bbq. i went there with ilyas. otw tu ad la this one little incident. the kereta melayang incident. haha:p relax, big k, jgn marah2, nnt cepat tua.
and then of course, there were the english drama.
*rombongan cik kiah diketuai oleh topek*
and then there were open houses. the first one was for family only.
the 2nd one was for friends.
of course, raya come and go. this year's raya wasn't the best. but then again, my raya doesn't mean anything anymore for the past 6 or 8 years. so, let's skip that part...but guys, i love you. i really do. dont take it personally, ok:)
and graduation. now, that doesn't come often, kan.
then, of course, were the near spm moments where we should be studying, but instead, we did some recreational activities:)
and thennn, were his last few days. which means my last few days til spm.
*muka gangster besar:P*
and theennnn were his last day. no, he's not dying..
i guess that's pretty much of 2009. a lot went on, but it went deeper than what i just wrote.
my pre-spm plans and activities; work:)
i have now worked in BR alamanda for nearly 2 weeks, and i am loving every moment of it. BR dudes are all friendly. they're so friendly, they made you feel like you're a family there.

this one is made by wan, and i guess this is the rank:)
there's ten of us. but today is apek bo and paang's last day. don't go...:(
apek bo has been my punchbag buddy and sorta like a brother.we bully each other endlessly and never got tired of it. pa'ang plak is kinda like an adik. well, he's 15, wat do u aspect, kan:) 2 days ago, i had the morning shift with paang and brotha. paang wanted to smoke kjap and i trapped him, xkasi keluar merokok. he was begging so mcm kesian je...i let him go.
the next day, paang xdtg. merajuk la tu. haha:p
and of course, through out 2009 i have made new friends and acquaintance. buddies, mates and fellas. i have gotten close and know them better. i got close to people whom i didn't aspect to. i finally talked to people who has been in the same school for the past years. they have made it a joy to be alive. they made me realise how lucky i am to be living here and be surrounded by the loved ones. thnx:)
to name a few: hani, sammy, alyn, iman, ali, izzul, zul, afiq, hafiz, hazim, mira, shikin and dot dot dot.
well, that'll be the end of it. 2010 is approaching in a few hours from now.
final words:
yes, i knw i have been a pain in the ass.
i know i have pulled a few pranks along the way,
i know i have been stubborn and mischivious,
but i swear...i couldn't help it:p
i'll try, TRY to be less mischievious.
but can't promise la:D
ok, serious sket.
im sorry...
im sorry i was too cold towards you
im sorry i was too mean and rude
im sorry i was too impatient
im sorry i was too demanding and bossy
anyhows, lets start a new series, shall we?
you,me and 2010:)
not really looking forward to it, but full speed ahead!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
do i look that old, buddy?!?!
you and i are both 17, therefore you do not, i repeat, DO NOT, call me akak.
you are 21. 21 for goodness sake!
you do not call me akak!
you're 16. ur younger. but i do not need you to call me akak.
just my name would do.
you're a guy. do not ber'saya'-'awak' with me...
weird la...
you're a guy dressing up like a woman. do not grab my hand whenever you feel like it. haram wehh haram! plus yucky.
you're a guy. back off. i dont't need you looking in my eyes like you're about to flirt. go look at someone else.
you're a friend. do not push me around. i will push you back. harder.
you're a bully. lay off and get a life. a real one.
you're a sister. stop touching and messing around with my things. restraint yourself from entering my room. yes, i know its tempting. lay your hands off the laptop which has all my passwords to everything and personal stuff. since i posted this before you did that, now i can no longer log in to ym. thx to you, i need to make a new one and find all my contacts.
you're unsatisfied,go blog it and stop reading this if it ticks you off.
you and i are both 17, therefore you do not, i repeat, DO NOT, call me akak.
you are 21. 21 for goodness sake!
you do not call me akak!
you're 16. ur younger. but i do not need you to call me akak.
just my name would do.
you're a guy. do not ber'saya'-'awak' with me...
weird la...
you're a guy dressing up like a woman. do not grab my hand whenever you feel like it. haram wehh haram! plus yucky.
you're a guy. back off. i dont't need you looking in my eyes like you're about to flirt. go look at someone else.
you're a friend. do not push me around. i will push you back. harder.
you're a bully. lay off and get a life. a real one.
you're a sister. stop touching and messing around with my things. restraint yourself from entering my room. yes, i know its tempting. lay your hands off the laptop which has all my passwords to everything and personal stuff. since i posted this before you did that, now i can no longer log in to ym. thx to you, i need to make a new one and find all my contacts.
you're unsatisfied,go blog it and stop reading this if it ticks you off.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
its been a while since i last blogged.
i've been meaning to blog but i was tired and now i forgot what i wanted to blog about. oh well...the i'll just write crappy stuff:)
hmm, lets see..
today is the 25th Dec. christmas. yay. wohoo. oh joy.
it was super tiring today.
i wanted to go to syiera's bday party, but i couldn't change shift so i was stuck there with my dear 'beloved ones'.
urgh, i swear i've gain weight. too much ice cream...but its too heavenly yummy i couldn't help it..
hafiz came with syafiqah just now. but not a very good timing. i was too busy so i couldn't really talk much. sorry guys..
oh yeah, i went shopping for shoes yesterday n found this one really cute shoes that i practically fell in love with:)
i love the shoes, but i don't favor the person who sells the shoes. kerek gle. urgh...im not being racist, but she could've been more respectful.
wat else?
oh yeah, i've been intai-ing ain working everyday:D
i even shouted her name over and over again, but she never ever looked up...orang lain pandang ade la...ain ni.
ok, so guys, when and where do u want the class bash?
and do play your part here. i can't plan and settle everything. im not a bloody drone, wokeh?
just text me a place.
wait, nak g camping tak? :D
flying fox, anyone?
lake crossing?
c'mon, lets be adventurous:)
i've been meaning to blog but i was tired and now i forgot what i wanted to blog about. oh well...the i'll just write crappy stuff:)
hmm, lets see..
today is the 25th Dec. christmas. yay. wohoo. oh joy.
it was super tiring today.
i wanted to go to syiera's bday party, but i couldn't change shift so i was stuck there with my dear 'beloved ones'.
urgh, i swear i've gain weight. too much ice cream...but its too heavenly yummy i couldn't help it..
hafiz came with syafiqah just now. but not a very good timing. i was too busy so i couldn't really talk much. sorry guys..
oh yeah, i went shopping for shoes yesterday n found this one really cute shoes that i practically fell in love with:)
i love the shoes, but i don't favor the person who sells the shoes. kerek gle. urgh...im not being racist, but she could've been more respectful.
wat else?
oh yeah, i've been intai-ing ain working everyday:D
i even shouted her name over and over again, but she never ever looked up...orang lain pandang ade la...ain ni.
ok, so guys, when and where do u want the class bash?
and do play your part here. i can't plan and settle everything. im not a bloody drone, wokeh?
just text me a place.
wait, nak g camping tak? :D
flying fox, anyone?
lake crossing?
c'mon, lets be adventurous:)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
F is for Freedom:D
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
home is where your heart is

im home!
it feels so good to be home:)
tu bru je brape hari...but so wat? i love my bed.
but u knw wat, it wud've been much nicer and relax if i had no exam.
boy, they sure did pick a good day to go on a 'holiday'.
went on the 2nd december. blk study group, terus pack barang, bla bla bla then leave house g hotel.
it was pretty tiring...
malam tu we didnt do anything much. went down to the buffet.
thank god i was starving. all those exam stress made me all tired and unsurprisingly fat.
the buffet was great. i had nsi beryani with sheperd pie. weird combination, but dat was just perfect:)
then had a few cakes. most of the cake was cheese...and there was a few chocolate.
then i had like...dunno..6 scoops of ice cream. damn full..
and there i thought nk diet.
hmmm...slept quite late..and had to wake up early.
dat totally sucked!
i had to wake up earlier than usual and watch everyone else sleep soundlessly.
it was pure cruel...
got ready for school..physics...
mse g lobby tu sume pndang pelik je. ye la, asl la bdk ni pkai uniform mse cuti...
agak menyedihkan.
bla bla bla physics ended at 3.30pm
dad picked me up and blk rumah kejap. went online and i saw the pic juli was talking about. utter shocked. *sigh* teacher...
then kluar rumah, go back to the hotel. of course tukar bju dlu. i dont wanna be looked at the same way when i left. it was gle tiring. i was half dead from lack of sleep and tired from physics. exam really wears you out by the end of the day. then my dad sruh bwk the little pumpkins to mines. arrgh malas+penat. but no nego..just go.
they offered rides. either go by boat or shuttle. i wanted to take the shuttle coz sea sick. but then they persuaded me to take the boat and i knw i didnt really have a choice, so off we went. me,niyah,ainaa, and farid.
i wasnt feeling so good..but if farid's happy, so am i:)
went round and round mines. went to the book exhibition. bought farid a book. yay!
the first book that i bought for him:D
then masuk mines, jln sane jln sni, bla bla bla, we ended up in McD. again, there goes my dieting plan...out of the window...
the point of my going to mines was to buy a few birthday gifts.
*syiera jgn prasan*
hahahah kejam;p
then i found the perfect present. one down, two more to go...
then meet my parents and balik to the hotel.
so pretty much everyone was crawling back to bed. exhausted. except for one person-farid...
he found his skipping rope in the car.
oh boy..back to the old days..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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