thought of the day:

the memoirs of 17 and still counting

Friday, December 4, 2009

home is where your heart is

im home!
it feels so good to be home:)
tu bru je brape hari...but so wat? i love my bed.

but u knw wat, it wud've been much nicer and relax if i had no exam.
boy, they sure did pick a good day to go on a 'holiday'.
went on the 2nd december. blk study group, terus pack barang, bla bla bla then leave house g hotel.
it was pretty tiring...
malam tu we didnt do anything much. went down to the buffet.
thank god i was starving. all those exam stress made me all tired and unsurprisingly fat.
the buffet was great. i had nsi beryani with sheperd pie. weird combination, but dat was just perfect:)
then had a few cakes. most of the cake was cheese...and there was a few chocolate.
then i had like...dunno..6 scoops of ice cream. damn full..
and there i thought nk diet.

hmmm...slept quite late..and had to wake up early.
dat totally sucked!
i had to wake up earlier than usual and watch everyone else sleep soundlessly.
it was pure cruel...
got ready for school..physics...
mse g lobby tu sume pndang pelik je. ye la, asl la bdk ni pkai uniform mse cuti...
agak menyedihkan.

bla bla bla physics ended at 3.30pm
dad picked me up and blk rumah kejap. went online and i saw the pic juli was talking about. utter shocked. *sigh* teacher...

then kluar rumah, go back to the hotel. of course tukar bju dlu. i dont wanna be looked at the same way when i left. it was gle tiring. i was half dead from lack of sleep and tired from physics. exam really wears you out by the end of the day. then my dad sruh bwk the little pumpkins to mines. arrgh malas+penat. but no nego..just go.

they offered rides. either go by boat or shuttle. i wanted to take the shuttle coz sea sick. but then they persuaded me to take the boat and i knw i didnt really have a choice, so off we went. me,niyah,ainaa, and farid.
i wasnt feeling so good..but if farid's happy, so am i:)

went round and round mines. went to the book exhibition. bought farid a book. yay!
the first book that i bought for him:D

then masuk mines, jln sane jln sni, bla bla bla, we ended up in McD. again, there goes my dieting plan...out of the window...

the point of my going to mines was to buy a few birthday gifts.
*syiera jgn prasan*
hahahah kejam;p
then i found the perfect present. one down, two more to go...
then meet my parents and balik to the hotel.

so pretty much everyone was crawling back to bed. exhausted. except for one person-farid...
he found his skipping rope in the car.
oh boy..back to the old days..


irarwww said...

i'll be waiting for ur present my dear! haha :D

miss emran said...

eh, xkte pon the present is fr you;p