thought of the day:

the memoirs of 17 and still counting

Saturday, December 26, 2009


its been a while since i last blogged.
i've been meaning to blog but i was tired and now i forgot what i wanted to blog about. oh well...the i'll just write crappy stuff:)

hmm, lets see..
today is the 25th Dec. christmas. yay. wohoo. oh joy.
it was super tiring today.
i wanted to go to syiera's bday party, but i couldn't change shift so i was stuck there with my dear 'beloved ones'.

urgh, i swear i've gain weight. too much ice cream...but its too heavenly yummy i couldn't help it..

hafiz came with syafiqah just now. but not a very good timing. i was too busy so i couldn't really talk much. sorry guys..

oh yeah, i went shopping for shoes yesterday n found this one really cute shoes that i practically fell in love with:)
i love the shoes, but i don't favor the person who sells the shoes. kerek gle. not being racist, but she could've been more respectful.

wat else?
oh yeah, i've been intai-ing ain working everyday:D
i even shouted her name over and over again, but she never ever looked up...orang lain pandang ade la...ain ni.

ok, so guys, when and where do u want the class bash?
and do play your part here. i can't plan and settle everything. im not a bloody drone, wokeh?
just text me a place.
wait, nak g camping tak? :D
flying fox, anyone?
lake crossing?
c'mon, lets be adventurous:)

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